Need for Speed Carbon PC Game Free download..
Need for Speed Carbon
Need for Speed Carbon PC game is set in the city named Palmont. It has the same locations as showed in the previous games of NFS. Also there is a new city added for Need for Speed Carbon PC
game. The same player is shown to ride along the new city in his BMW
and we see a flashback in which he is seen to race along some rivals. As
he is about to win the race police interferes and arrests all the
racers. The player escapes this raid and chaos. Now he is about to live
his most astounding and terrifying days in his life.
Features- Amazing racing game.
- Career driven game with more than four playable modes.
- Multiplayer mode is included.
- Graphical Details are praise worthy.
- Story line is very catchy.
- Comes with more new cars and features.
- Download Game From Given Link .
- Install Normally.
- Download Crack And Replace it with game executable.
- Play & Enjoy !!!!
Need for Speed Carbon Download (3.5 GB)