MadSpot Shell v2 Free Download

[Image: 555329_471878339543562_1479233048_n.jpg]
MadSpot Shell v2 {Released}
This is offical 2nd php shell by Madleets Team
this shell design specially for command line user . you can use Shell as terminal type any command it will show result same as terminal .


Features :


1.Anti google bot or other crawaler
2.user password protected
3.Command line


Shell commands :


1.kill => Delete the shell
2.madshell => Create madspot shell in same directory madshell.php
3.bc 127.127.127 => bc command is use to connect back to ip => run is use to run php run md5( 'mad' );
5.exit => exit is use to logout
6.cls => clear the screen

MAD commands : 
